Are you bothered by sagging skin or stubborn fat pockets?
EXILIS ULTRA uses non-invasive technology to tighten your skin from head to toe.
Venez nous visiter à nos nouveaux locaux dès le 6 décembre au RC de la polyclinique St-Eustache !
Are you bothered by sagging skin or stubborn fat pockets?
EXILIS ULTRA uses non-invasive technology to tighten your skin from head to toe.
The EXION treatment will make the skin on your face and body look smoother and younger.
Firm your skin and improve the tone of your facial muscles – without invasive procedures, pain or downtime.
Lose fat and build muscle – No surgery or downtime required.
Is incontinence or urinary leakage keeping you from enjoying life to the fullest? Whether you are a man or a woman, we have a treatment to help you regain your confidence.
Are you tired of having excess fat despite your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Despite maintaining a good diet and doing hours of exercise, are noticing it’s not enough to reshape your body and eliminate the love handles on your stomach and fat on your thighs? Discover VANQUISH METM.
Don’t let cellulite get you down anymore. Now there’s a revolutionary treatment that targets the 5 main causes of this condition affecting nearly 90% of women.
Make an appointment
for a free consultation.
We take pride in improving the quality of life of the people who trust us day after day. We’re committed to providing you with a positive experience that is all about empathy, integrity, and open-mindedness. You can rest assured knowing that each treatment is safe and private.